Mill Street is preparing to “go red” in support of the American Heart Association.
This will be the fourth annual year that the central business district of Bristol Borough will be participating in “Mill Street Goes Red.”
Organizer Theresa Conejo explained that store owners on Mill Street would be dressing in red and decorating store fronts with red in order to spread the awareness spirit.
The “businesses, organizations, and residents of Mill Street, Bristol Borough, will wear red and distribute heart awareness literature and make the pledge to live a healthier life,” says an informational handout that was provided by Conejo at the meeting.
On Thursday, Feb. 5, the festivities will get kicked off with the “Go Red Dinner,” in honor of the late Ann Mignoni Mundy, a “longtime supporter of the “Go Red” movement.
Residents from Bristol Borough, and those outside of the borough, are encouraged to visit Mill Street on Friday, Feb. 6 while wearing red to show support.
The “Go Red Dinner” is being held at Cesare’s Ristorante on Radcliffe Street, and starts with a cash bar opening at 7:30 p.m. According to information made available at the meeting, the dinner will start at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person, and proceeds will go towards the American Heart/Stroke association.
“Heart disease is the number one killer,” Conejo said. “We need to find out why this is so rampant with women.”
“It’s overwhelming. The solidarity I feel and the support I have gotten is beyond my expectations,” Conejo said as she explained that she doesn’t see the event going anywhere any time soon. “It’s something that they (Bristol Borough residents and merchants of Mill Street) have taken to heart,” Conejo explained.”
As part of Mill Street Goes Red, we are donating the proceeds from the sale of our Bucks County Baseball Cards T-Shirt for the month of February to the American Heart Association. T-Shirts are available at our retail location or
click here for our online store. Thank you to everyone who is supporting this great cause!
More information can also be found at the American Heart Association website,
Twitter hashtag #millstreetgoesred.
JP Lutz